
HubRESTSample – a new C++ REST API Sample for PDC

This new sample code illustrates seamless consumption of Plantronics out-of-proc REST API from C++ code!

Location of full sample code: Click here

Key Benefits

  1. Supports Plantronics Manager Pro configuration
    • Works with Plantronics Hub via “out-of-proc” REST API
  2. Supports multi-softphone & multi-device configurations
  3. Same code for both Windows and Mac environments


Advanced SDK Topic: Ensuring Resilience with Plantronics COM API

Author: Lewis Collins, Plantronics

When using the Plantronics COM API how do you ensure the connection to the Plantronics Hub software is working?
  • What if the user accidentally shuts down Plantronics Hub (or it crashes), or user upgrades it which would also result in it shutting down and starting again. Would your software re-connect to the COM API automatically?


Asset Management APIs

Prototype Asset Management APIs are available which enable developers to embed Plantronics Manager Pro asset management functionality into their applications.  Use the APIs to manage headset firmware, deploy Hub software, make Policy updates. Specifically, the Asset Management APIs expose the following functionality to developers:


    Developer tenant getting started POSTman collection

    Now that you have been issued a developer tenant for getting started with Plantronics Manager Pro Open APIs, we want to help you get started, using sample API calls into our QA tenant as a point of reference. We have created a POST collection to help you get started with a pre-tested working set of POSTman collections. Download this zip file to get started: 



    Asset & Usage Analysis – a Microsoft Power BI Application using Plantronics Open APIs

    UPDATE: Plantronics has created an app for Power Bi that can be installed today in your Power BI environment. 
    See the overview of Plantronics app for Microsoft Power BI for more details.

    Asset & Usage Analysis – a Microsoft Power BI Application using Plantronics Open APIs

    Download link:
    Sample Code for PDC - Power BI.zip


    Registering Applications

    Each developer created application that uses Plantronics APIs to access data from Plantronics Manager Pro requires the creation of a unique appID before data access can be enabled. The appID is required for calling any of the report APIs in a production tenant. Developer apps can be installed in an unlimited number of tenants, but a unique appID must be created for each Plantronics Manager Pro tenant for which the application will be integrated with.  The application authorization scheme will require both appId and tenantId.


    Identifying the Tenant API Code and Regional API Host URLs

    The Tenant API Code is the unique identifier that will allow you to request access to the correct tenant.

    Depending on your goals, you may begin by working with the Sandbox Tenant (with Tenant API Code embedded) as you experiment with our APIs to see how sample data works with your code. If you are working with a specific customer (or developing for internal use) and would like to connect to real customer data from Plantronics Manager Pro, you will need to request and receive authentication to use this identifier.

    Sandbox Tenant API Code


    Getting Started with Real-time APIs


    In this article, I describe how to access the Plantronics Manager Pro APIs for real-time events. The source code is pointing at the "Sandbox" tenant. However, once you have access to your own tenant you will just change the relavent URLs and security tokens (the tenant information provided during Hub install and generating a PubNub channel to receive your realtime events). This example is written in C#, but there are many other languages supporting PubNub.