Business Intelligence Integration
Plantronics Manager Pro captures unique telemetry data from the USB headset that can provide valuable information to different categories of business and industries. These data can be used to monitor UC adoption, contact center agents’ performance or compliance status. Until now, making these data available in the right format to the right people has been challenging. Using APIs, it is now possible to bring these data into business intelligence applications. Anyone can then view, explore and modify the layout of these data so that it can help line of business owners understand, analyze and make decisions.
Ready to start developing? Browse our APIs.
Auto-Create Service Tickets using Plantronics Manager Pro and ServiceNow
The Plantronics IT team manages offices globally as well as employees working remotely—just as most of our customers do. The challenges around ensuring an UC experience is the best it can be are common.
The Plantronics IT team had a preview of the APIs. They also know well the importance of deploying the right headsets, configuring headsets correctly for users and ensuring software is up to date. With this foundation, Plantronics IT created an integration with ServiceNow, the service desk ticketing and support solution used internally.
A ServiceNow ticket is automatically opened whenever a user is running an out-of-date version of Plantronics Hub. The ticket can then be picked up by the IT team for resolution, and ensures that all users have the latest software, and that any potential issues are resolved before they become a problem for the user. The automation of the process saves time for an already busy IT team.
View the sample code to create your own service desk integration.
In accordance with the developer policy, this code is made available on an as-is basis.
Ready to start developing? Browse our APIs.
Improve Agent Performance
Provide additional insights and improve customer service representative performance
Contact center agents are brand ambassadors who have the responsibility to uphold the company’s reputation in every customer interaction. For many businesses, contact center agents don’t just represent the company, they are the company. When every call is critical in ensuring customer satisfaction, it’s essential that agents are as effective as possible.
The Conversation Analysis APIs provide insights into the dynamics of conversations from headset data. You will glean information specific to the agent and the customer. You can use this API to:
- trigger a call-recording system or to notify a line manager of calls with a high level of over-talk, which indicates a heated conversation.
- create an application that coaches the agent to focus on listening actively and displaying empathy with the customer in escalating calls. A coaching application could also encourage agents to promote product features as appropriate in a sales environment.
The usage analysis API can be used to:
- supplement information from existing workflow management applications to identify agents who have a headset connection and are ready to take a call. This information can also be displayed on wallboards to indicate which agents are currently available to take calls.
Ready to start developing? Browse our APIs.
Manage Assets
Provide automatic up-to-date inventory management and purchasing
With an increasingly dispersed workforce that relies on headsets to do business, keeping track of inventory has become a significant time-consuming task for the IT department. Accurately predicting headset asset requirements, staying within budget and ensuring sufficient inventory can be challenging.
The Asset Analysis API provides insight into headset usage down to the model number level. Along with out-of-service headsets information, this makes it possible to predict purchase requirements and automatically notify the purchasing system.
Ready to start developing? Browse our APIs.
Enhance UC Monitoring
Monitor UC deployment and identify issues quickly
With any new technology, user adoption is the biggest challenge and a key metric in assessing success. Monitoring adoption during the early stages of deployment allows the team to make adjustments to the deployment plan and improve the user experience. The quality of audio end-points also impacts the user experience and adoption.
With usage APIs, it is possible to monitor the rollout and adoption of not only the UC client, but the all-important audio end-point. Use this information within your UC client to notify users of non-approved devices.
Ready to start developing? Browse our APIs.
Call Quality Diagnostics
Plantronics Manager Pro captures unique Bluetooth radio link quality data from our Voyager family of headsets, providing valuable information to managers responsible for the quality of their communications networks. Radio Link Quality APIs make it possible to apply these data to leading UC network software. This allows advanced troubleshooting of voice quality issues in the context of the enterprise network all the way to the headset, displaying diagnostics from one user to the other user, and all points in between.
Ready to start developing? Browse our APIs.