Hi,<br />
Could you try building and running the following Native Library sample code:<br />
<a href="/system/files/SpokesNativeSample.zip">/system/files/SpokesNativeSample.zip</a><br />
<br />
In my testing this example program does not generate any debug logging with native lib.<br />
<br />
I also recommend you use latest 3.9 SDK from here: <a href="/sdks">http://developer.plantronics.com/sdks</a><br />
<br />
<br />
Let me know<br />
Thanks,<br />
Lewis.<br />
Hello,<br />
I ran sample application against latest SDK - there were no logs generated on the console.<br />
But when I moved all required files (Spokes.dll, Spokes.lib, log4cxx.xml, PlantronicsDevices.xml, pltlog4cpp.dll and "include" directory) into my project, modified include paths and uninstalled hub, all the logs are being generated again.<br />
<br />
Thanks in advance,<br />
Hi,<br />
If you install Plantronics Hub again, it generates a folder called:<br />
C:\ProgramData\Plantronics\Spokes3G log4cxx<br />
with a file in it called Spokes.log4cxx<br />
<br />
If you make a copy of that folder and file (just zip it), now uninstall Hub.<br />
<br />
If you now restore the folder and file (unzip it) again... <br />
<br />
Now if you run your Native Lib program it will no longer have the annoying debug!!!! (which was produced by Spokes.dll - the Spokes.log4cxx tells Spokes.dll what to do with the debug).<br />
<br />
Thanks,<br />
Icollins,<br />
Why did you remove my latest comment concerning this thread? You don't like comment contents that current way to disable logging is weird, don't you?<br />
Beginning of this comment is still in google's cache "<span>Icollins, I experienced the same problem during building custom deployment of my application using Native API just puting....</span>"<br />
You could check this by searching for "plantronics logger vikkolesnyk"<br />
Hi Victor,<br />
I apologise for the loss of your latest comment. It was not intentional but the result of site maintenance when we recently updated the site contents.<br />
If you would like to repost the comment I would be happy to assist.<br />
Thanks,<br />
Lewis.<br />
Lewis,<br />
<br />
Thank you for response.<br />
I'm reposting my comment:<br />
<br />
I think current way of configuring whethere log is enabled or not (have file with specific name is specific harcoded name folder) is very inconvenient.<br />
I propose to add "void SetLoggingEnabled(bool enabled)" function to native API (Spokes3G.h) and its implementation hiden inside private Plantronics call and included in Spokes.dll.<br />
This is the way I believe it should correctly works.<br />
<br />
Hope for understanding, Viktor.<br />
<br />
Hi Viktor,<br />
<br />
I have found another way to address the issue of unwanted logging!<br />
<br />
You can include Spokes.log4cxx file within your own application's runtime folder, then include the following line of code before InitSpokesRuntime():<br />
<br />
<strong>InitLogger(".\\Spokes.log4cxx");</strong><br />
InitSpokesRuntime();<br />
<br />
Now it will load Spokes.log4cxx from your application's runtime folder, which will effectively suppress the logging.<br />
<br />
Note: You can obtain a copy of Spokes.log4cxx by installing Hub SDK and looking in C:\ProgramData\Plantronics\Spokes3G log4cxx.<br />
<br />
Thanks,<br />
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