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An Instance of Spokes is already running / C# InteropPlantronics.dll
Hello, When I create an instance COMSessionManager sessionManager =new COMSessionManager() while the Plantronics Hub is running, the SDK pops up a message box "An Instance of Spokes is already running". How do I get rid of that message box? Interop.Plantronics.dll 3.7.51238.28796 Plantronics Hub    3.7.51238.28796 Best regards Wolfgang

Hi Wolfgang,<br /> <br /> Please take a look at this registry key:<br /> HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\Wow6432Node\CLSID\{750B4A16-1338-4DB0-85BB-C6C89E4CB9AC}\LocalServer32<br /> <br /> You should see the PLTHub.exe listed here as a COM Server under (Default), possibly with Backup as as the SDK version of PLTHub.exe.<br /> <br /> Look in task manager, is PLTHub.exe already running? In theory your COMSessionManager instance should connect to the already running instance. This may not be the case if your application or Visual Studio is running as Administrator.<br /> <br /> Your application and/or Visual Studio should be running as the same interactive user as the running PLTHub.exe instance is running at. If one or other is running as Administrator you could see the issue you mention.<br /> <br /> Thanks,<br /> Lewis.

Hi Lewis,<br /> <br /> yes, this is reasonable. I can reproduce it in both directions:<br /> - When Plthub is running with elevated privileges, I cannot access it &quot;without&quot; elevation<br /> - When Plthub is not running with elevated privileges, I cannot access I&#39;m launching my app from an elevated dev studio<br /> <br /> So this should not be an issue on customer site.<br /> <br /> Thanks<br /> Wolfgang

Great, thanks for letting us know.<br /> Get in touch if you have further questions.<br /> &nbsp;

But it is a problem on a single &nbsp;machine with multiple profiles (log ins) each with different user rights. &nbsp;Is there a work around?

Only the Hub is running and it is only used to update the firmware in the earpiece. I&#39;ll just uninstall it if there is not an easy fix.

Hi,<br /> The Hub only supports single user login to Windows. If you switch users, you will see the error that Hub is already running. (Because Hub is a per-interactive user process, rather than a service).<br /> Thanks,<br /> Lewis.

<span style="color:#0000FF;">Is there a mechanism to request a software enhancement to account for this? I share this computer with one other person and they complain whenever they see the message.&nbsp; I would prefer not to uninstall the software.</span>

You request has been forwarded to product management for consideration in a future release. &nbsp;Thanks for the feedback.

I&#39;m having the exact same issue and it&#39;s pretty annoying. It appears that although the fix was under consideration, you decided you didn&#39;t care too much to fix it.

Hi Jeff,<br /> This has been under discussion. I will try to find out when a fix could be expected.<br /> Thanks,<br /> Lewis.

Hi again Jeff,<br /> <br /> A fix has been done and will be included in the next release of Plantronics Hub, 3.11, expected early April 2018.<br /> <br /> Thanks,<br /> Lewis.

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