Tue, 05/09/2023 - 09:29
Strange behavior with the API calls
Hello, I am hoping that there's someone around to help me understand what is happening.
Currently I am trying to create a report utilizing API for my company, but I am running into some issues.
First I tried creating an inventory report using the tenantDeviceInventory endpoint, but I found that the data was actually not showing all of the headsets certain users within the company were actually using. Several users actually were using plantronics products, but they were not appearing in the report. When I ran the same "inventory" report within Plantronics Manager Pro it showed them, so I thought maybe the Plantronics Manager Pro report was using a combination of endpoints to get its dataset.
I then tried the tenantDeviceDistribution endpoint, and this one seemed to include some headsets that certain people were using. I specified the users that I knew had missing headsets from the previous report (username query parameter) to see if this distribution report would show the headsets and it seemed to be working, but when I created the logic to pull down all 20,000+ records of the data and analyzed it, some of these users I had searched for individually utilizing the same endpoint were missing entirely.
Furthermore, as my application is looping through the dataset to pull down all the records, the API calls seemingly start to fail. Lets say I am pulling 500 records per page, some pages within the pagination come back completely blank, others come back with repeated data. The result is an over-inflated dataset of somewhere near 30,000+ to 40,000+ records with tons of repeated rows of data and also missing data.
I have spent days analyzing my application to ensure that this isn't an issue on my end and I have noticed the same behavior of repeated data and blank pages appearing when I simply use POSTMan to query the endpoints!
Am I hitting some sort of API transaction limit (I cannot find any information usage limitations) or is this a bug ocurring on your end?
I appreciate any help I can get!
Thank you,
John Balzac
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