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Initiating a call from a plantronics device
Where can I find documentation about initiating a call from a device. E.g. when i try to dial a number (press digits followed by the green number) from a calisto p240 a receive the following events: ICOMDeviceListenerEvents::onBaseButtonPressed: BaseButton_DialPad digit 1 ICOMDeviceListenerEvents::onBaseButtonPressed: BaseButton_DialPad digit 2 ICOMDeviceListenerEvents::onBaseButtonPressed: BaseButton_DialPad digit 3 ICOMDeviceEvents::onTalkButtonPressed: HeadsetButton_Talk ICOMDeviceListenerEvents::onHeadsetButtonPressed: HeadsetButton_Talk ICOMDeviceEvents::onButtonPressed: HeadsetButton_Talk When i cancel the call (by pressing the red hangup button) I receive the same events ICOMDeviceEvents::onTalkButtonPressed: HeadsetButton_Talk ICOMDeviceListenerEvents::onHeadsetButtonPressed: HeadsetButton_Talk ICOMDeviceEvents::onButtonPressed: HeadsetButton_Talk So how do I interpret all the HeadsetButton_Talk events and what is the difference between DeviceEvents and DeviceListener Events? Should I also monitor ICOMDeviceEvents::onButtonPressed and ICOMDeviceListenerEvents::onHeadsetButtonPressed for HeadsetButton_Keyn? Is there an description with the meaning of all the keys?

Sorry for late reply.<br /> <br /> I will paste below guidance on the 2 approaches to using P240 dialpad with the Plantronics API. <p>Hope it helps, let me know if more questions.</p> <p>--<br /> &gt;&gt; Approach Number 1:</p> <p>You can use IDeviceListenerEvents interface to receive the digit events,<br /> for example (these are from COM sample code):</p> <p>ICOMDeviceListenerEvents::onBaseButtonPressed: BaseButton_DialPad digit 1<br /> ICOMDeviceListenerEvents::onBaseButtonPressed: BaseButton_DialPad digit 2<br /> ICOMDeviceListenerEvents::onBaseButtonPressed: BaseButton_DialPad digit 3<br /> ICOMDeviceEvents::onTalkButtonPressed: HeadsetButton_Talk<br /> ICOMDeviceListenerEvents::onHeadsetButtonPressed: HeadsetButton_Talk<br /> ICOMDeviceEvents::onButtonPressed: HeadsetButton_Talk</p> <p>If you are not on a call and you receive a series of dialpad digits followed by talk, you can interpret that to mean the user wishes to dial to that number.<br /> (your code can assembly the dialed digits into the full number)<br /> Your softphone should connect the call.<br /> However it should also use our CallCommand OutgoingCall method to notify the Calisto 240 that it is now in a call.<br /> You can pass to OutgoingCall a contact name - either use the dialed number or if you have that number in a phonebook you could pass the person&#39;s name.<br /> You also pass a called id, which is an integer used to refer to the call while it is in the Plantronics SDK.</p> <p>At the point you call OutgoingCall the Calisto P240 display will change to reflect the fact it is now on a call.<br /> You will receive a Session event called &ldquo;onCallStateChanged&rdquo; with the CallState of &ldquo;CallInProgress&rdquo;. This confirms the Plantronics device knows it has a call in progress.</p> <p>You can test this manually using the Spokes3GCOMSample (from C:\Program Files (x86)\Plantronics\Spokes3G SDK\Samples) by typing ICallCommand then incomingcall.</p> --<br /> &gt;&gt; Approach Number 2: You can also receive a complete dialed number from Calisto via the Session event called &ldquo;OnCallRequest&rdquo;, rather than having to assembly the digits yourself.

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