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HeadsetButton_Talk event when docking
Hi, I noticed, that in c#, when integrating to Interop.Plantronics, there's extra talk-button event being generated on this situation: 1. Undock the headset 2. Press talk button 3. Dock the headset  Expected outcome: No HeadsetButton_Talk event is generated Actual outcome: HeadsetButton_Talk is generated. This is pretty bad, since were manually answering to 3rd party sip sdk call, so our end user might not even notice that the call was established, when it's ringing and user docs the headset... This happens with Savi w740

Hi, <p>Thanks for reporting the above&nbsp; observation (<em>HeadsetButton_Talk event when docking</em>)<br /> We&#39;ll test the&nbsp; above scenario &amp; take a look.<br /> <br /> ~cdhruv<br /> &nbsp;</p>

Any updates? I had this issue a LONG time ago (maybe 2015) and still run into issues like it. Edit: link to the original problem https://developer.plantronics.com/how-can-i-disable-internal-call-control

This still happens with the latest SDK, any word on work arounds or if a fix is in the works?

This still happens with the latest SDK, any word on work arounds or if a fix is in the works?

This still happens with the latest SDK, any word on work arounds or if a fix is in the works?

Hi, I will take a look into this and let you know. Thanks, Lewis.

Hi, I just retested this scenario and it wasn't my experience. I only got 1 Talk button press and did not get another Talk press when docking the headset (although do get a flurry of other events). For my test results see here: https://plantronics-my.sharepoint.com/:t:/g/personal/lewis_collins_poly_com/EYEyuIQ3DfRGsWv5WiYYu88Bi5u1ereJVOmsLi8qHJS4MQ?e=rcgWzy Note, that is a time limited link. To test this I used latest Hub 3.20, and latest SDK 3.20. I also let Hub install the latest firmware onto the Savi W740. To check for Talk button events I tested on JavaScript demo: https://pltdev.github.io/Plantronics%20JavaScript%20Sample.html and also on C# ResilientDemo: https://developer.plantronics.com/article/advanced-sdk-topic-ensuring-resilience-plantronics-com-api but for the C# demo I added an event handler in Program.cs for the _hubSDK.DeviceEvent += _hubSDK_DeviceEvent; so I could display the COMDeviceEventArgs e ButtonPressed to view the Talk button events, etc. Please test according to this suggestion and see if you still have the issue. Thanks, Lewis.

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