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Supported DA series USB Audio Processors
Hi, When using the Spokes SDK to integrate with our application so we can detect when the Quick Disconnect is unplugged/plugged, which DA series USB adapters are supportted? Are the DA70, DA80, and DA90 supported?

Hi Stuart,<br /> Yes, all three DA models are supported.<br /> You can listen for either:<br /> - The IDeviceListenerEvents onHeadsetStateChanged event/callback with HeadsetStateChanged values of DeviceHeadsetStateChange.HeadsetStateChange_QDConnected / DeviceHeadsetStateChange.HeadsetStateChange_QDDisconnected.<br /> Or:<br /> - The IDeviceEventsExt onHeadsetStateChanged event/callback for HeadsetState values of DeviceHeadsetState.HeadsetState_QDConnected / DeviceHeadsetState.HeadsetState_QDDisconnected.<br /> or:<br /> You can also inspect the IDeviceSettingsExt HeadsetConnectedState boolean.<br /> These interfaces / events are available in the COM, COM.NET and Native APIs, and the HeadsetStateChange events are also in the REST APIs.<br /> Thanks,<br /> Lewis.

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