Wed, 03/13/2024 - 06:58
Windows SDK v3.25.53799.37131 sendin wrong "Event_Name: MuteOff" instead of "Event_Name: MuteOn" acknowledgement
- When I upgraded Windows SDK from v3.24.53524.36336 to v3.25.53799.37131 on our Electron app, the customers reported that muting the headset from our app call window will make mute and after that unmute of the call when using Plantronics Blackwire 3225 Series headset while it's OK on my side with Plantronics BT600 headset
- After checking the case with him I noticed that the SDK sent 'Event_Name' => "MuteOff" instead of 'Event_Name' => "MuteOn" acknowledgment when the app called mute_call(true) even though the headset is muted (mic red LED is on). After that also call mute_call(false) will not affect anything
- So to double-check the case I asked the user to use Plantronics hub with to reproduce the issue and get your SDK logs, and the issue is reproducible also on, here are the demo logs:
- Device found = Plantronics Blackwire 3225 Series, id = c391717a803310eb29c667cc87a040d8
- Session ID: 56ba5315dcf391b634c19f5fd0cc30cc
- Plugin "Hello World JavaScript Plugin" registered successfully.
- Initiating make call command, call id = 1
- Success.
- Call Event: undefined, 'Action' => "7" 'CallId' ... 'ConferenceId' => "0" 'Id' => "1" 'InConference' => "false" 'CallSource' => "Hello World JavaScript Plugin" 'DeviceEvent' => "4" 'DialedKey' => "0"
- CallState: CallRinging, Call ID: 1
- Device Event: HeadsetButtonPressed, 'Event_Log_Type_Name' => "HeadsetButtonPressed" 'Event_Log_Type_Id' => "4" 'Event_Name' => "Talk" 'Event_Id' => "7" 'Timestamp' => "undefined" 'Age' => "1547"
- Call Event: undefined, 'Action' => "32" 'CallId' ... 'ConferenceId' => "0" 'Id' => "1" 'InConference' => "false" 'CallSource' => "Hello World JavaScript Plugin" 'DeviceEvent' => "3" 'DialedKey' => "0"
- CallState: undefined, Call ID: 1
- Call Event: undefined, 'Action' => "1" 'CallId' ... 'ConferenceId' => "0" 'Id' => "1" 'InConference' => "false" 'CallSource' => "Hello World JavaScript Plugin" 'DeviceEvent' => "3" 'DialedKey' => "0"
- CallState: AcceptCall, Call ID: 1
- Call Event: undefined, 'Action' => "6" 'CallId' ... 'ConferenceId' => "0" 'Id' => "1" 'InConference' => "false" 'CallSource' => "Hello World JavaScript Plugin" 'DeviceEvent' => "3" 'DialedKey' => "0"
- CallState: CallInProgress, Call ID: 1
- Answering call command, call id = 1
- Success.
- Muting call
- Success.
- Device Event: HeadsetButtonPressed, 'Event_Log_Type_Name' => "HeadsetButtonPressed" 'Event_Log_Type_Id' => "4" 'Event_Name' => "Mute" 'Event_Id' => "5" 'Timestamp' => "undefined" 'Age' => "24"
- Device Event: HeadsetStateChange, 'Event_Log_Type_Name' => "HeadsetStateChange" 'Event_Log_Type_Id' => "2" 'Event_Name' => "MuteOff" 'Event_Id' => "6" 'Timestamp' => "undefined" 'Age' => "25"
- Call Event: undefined, 'Action' => "12" 'CallId' ... 'ConferenceId' => "0" 'Id' => "1" 'InConference' => "false" 'CallSource' => "Hello World JavaScript Plugin" 'DeviceEvent' => "3" 'DialedKey' => "0"
- CallState: MuteOFF, Call ID: 1
- Muting call
- Success.
- Unmuting call
- Success.
- Unmuting call
- Success.
- Unmuting call
- Success.
- Unmuting call
- Success.
- Unmuting call
- Success.
- Unmuting call
- Success.
- Unmuting call
- Success.
- Ending call, call id = 1
- Success.
- Call Event: undefined, 'Action' => "8" 'CallId' ... 'ConferenceId' => "0" 'Id' => "1" 'InConference' => "false" 'CallSource' => "Hello World JavaScript Plugin" 'DeviceEvent' => "3" 'DialedKey' => "0"
- CallState: CallEnded, Call ID: 1
- Call Event: undefined, 'Action' => "18" 'CallId' ... 'ConferenceId' => "0" 'Id' => "1" 'InConference' => "false" 'CallSource' => "Hello World JavaScript Plugin" 'DeviceEvent' => "3" 'DialedKey' => "0"
- CallState: CallIdle, Call ID: 1
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